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Free Birthday Meal at Denny's

Restaurant: Denny's

Participating locations

Free Birthday Stuff:
Free birthday Grand Slam Breakfast

What you have to do:

Sign up to the My Denny's loyalty program.  Read more about the free birthday meal.

The low down on Denny's:

Denny's is one of the most popular all day breakfast joints in North America and famous for its grand slam breakfast that has a little bit of breakfast everything on the plate.  Most Denny's locations are also 24 hrs!

Where to find a Denny's:

Ottawa, Kingston, Belleville, Whitby, Oakville, Niagara Falls, Mississauga, London, Calgary, Red Deer, Edmonton, Regina, Saskatoon, Winnipeg, Victoria, Abbotsford, and Surrrey.

For more location and more information on Denny's visit www.dennys.ca

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